Trips and Costs


Ocean Chinook and Salmon - Halibut - Albacore Tuna - Sturgeon - Bottom Fishing

Dungeness Crab - Spreading of Ashes

Salmon Fishing Charter Trips

June 21st - September 22nd 2025 8-hour trip or early limit, including custom sport fishing rods, reels & tackle, high-quality fresh bait. Your salmon will be cleaned and bagged at no extra charge on board and we always have fresh, hot coffee.

Salmon Rates:

7 to 14 Passenger Boats:

$190.00 per person plus tax

6 Passenger Boats:

$220.00 per person, plus tax

Book Your Charter

Ocean Halibut Charter Trips

May 1st - June 29th 2025 - 3 Days per week; Thursday's, Friday's and Sundays. 10-hour trip or early limit, including Electric Reels, custom sport fishing rods, and tackle, high-quality fresh bait, and fresh, hot coffee.

Halibut Rates:

7 to 12 Passenger Boats:

$325.00 per person, plus tax

6 Passenger Boats:

$350 per person, plus tax

Book Your Charter

Albacore Tuna Fish Charter trips

July 26th- September 21st 2025. 12 hour trips, including custom sport fishing rods, reels, and tackle, high-quality live bait, and fresh hot coffee.

10 Passenger Boats 


$450.00 per person, plus tax



8-hour trip or early limit, including custom sport fishing rods, reels, and tackle, high-quality fresh bait, and fresh, hot coffee.

Columbia River Sturgeon Charter Rates:

2025: Waiting to hear if we will have a retention season this year.

7 to 14 Passenger Boats:

$190.00 per person, plus tax

6 Passenger Boats:

$220.00 per person, plus tax


Bottom Fishing Charter Trips

8-hour trip or early limit, including custom sport fishing rods, reels, and tackle, high-quality fresh bait, and fresh, hot coffee.

Bottom Fishing Near Shore Rates:

7 to 14 Passenger Boats:

$190.00 per person, plus tax

6 Passenger Boats:

$220 per person, plus tax

Bottom Fishing Long Range Rates:

7 to 14 Passenger Boats:

$225 per person, plus tax

Bottom Fishing Deep Water Rates:

7 to 14 Passenger Boats:

$250 per person, plus tax

Book Your Charter

Dungeness Crab Trips

$120.00 + Tax per person

7 to 12 Passenger Boats.

2 to 3 hour trips at or near the mouth of the Columbia River crabbing in nice calm water. Current Limit is 12 Crab per person. At the end of your trip we will cook your crab for you.

Please call us or book your trip online.

Book Your Charter

Scattering Of Ashes

$375.00 plus tax

1 to 2 hour charter where we scatter ashes near Cape Disappointment Ling House at the Mouth of the Columbia River. Certificate issues with the coordinates of the location ashes are set to sea.


4 Generations of Fisherman

New or Experienced, We cater to everyone.

New to fishing? No problem! Our captains and deckhands will teach you the correct technique for whatever fishery you are interested in. 

Ocean Salmon Fishing for Coho and Chinook off the Washington Coast

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